SIRINCE Wine Tasting Relaxing and Shopping Tour From Izmir

5 hour

SIRINCE  Wine Tasting Relaxing and Shopping Tour From Kusadasi

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We take you from Izmir and head for Sirince which is an hour distance from Izmir.

Sirince is an old Greek town which is very famous for its architecture that stayed from the Ottoman times to our days. After 1924 when there had been an exchange of population between modern Turkey and Greece,  it became a Turkish town. Its first name is considered to be Kýrkýnca which later became Çirkince which means ugly. Somehow today it is called Pretty because of its beauty. It is very famous for  its wine which has the arome of different fruits. It is chosen one of the ten most peaceful places on earth.  You can get wine, soap, olive oil of best quality.

After our visit of Sirince we continue with one of the arts famous in the region.

Pottery making : The first men in the World lived in the caves but after we discovered fire, we learned how to cook so there was the need for plate and glasses. Easiest way to make them was with soil and in time, it became a way of expression, a way of art. Thats why pottery allover the World has different designs. Here you can see rare examples of Ottoman pottery designs and see how its manufactured.


Rug Weaving : If you want to see an art that has its unique place deep inside the hearts of the Turks, this is the place to visit for you. Did you know that the oldest rug ever to be woven is Turkish? Did you know that the highest density carpet in the World is Turkish? Have you actually ever seen how they take the fiber from the caccoon? You can see Turkish women weaving it. You can actually try weaving it.


Leather Metarials : Turkey is a country full of mountains and it is full of leather of the highest quality. Enjoy your time watching a model Show and see what quality means. 


After one visit of these art we head back to Izmir hotel/port.

  • Discover Old Greek town
  • Best Wine
  • Greek architecture
  • Ottoman houses